Sigma Melleable Infrastucture

For the last 35 years, spanning two generations, Sigma group has always endeavored to keep abreast with the Technology and provide an optimum solution to our customers. Continuing with this tradition, the group has embarked upon putting a new state-of-art foundry that specializes in producing High-quality Gray Iron and Ductile Iron castings with machine shop in Padavla, Rajkot.

Sigma’s infrastructure is designed and configured to meet the specific needs of the foundry’s operations, ensuring efficient production while prioritizing safety, environmental responsibility, and compliance with regulations.

Sand Plant

Moulding Facility


ARPA 450 & 900

Simultaneous Jolt Squeeze Moulding Machine Features

Sand Core Shop


Melting Capabilities

Machine Shop

Value Added Machine Shop

Facility Features




Through our design process. We identify how to make the job easier, less expensive and more efficient. Design resides, 3D modeling, solidification analysis and rapid prototyping are just a few of the service we offer.

Pattern Making

All the patterns are manufactured with the help of casting simulation software.
3D Software is used by engineers to assist them to visualize, analyze, and communicate the designs intent prior to an actual prototype or sample being created.


Production Capabilities

Metal We Cast

Grey Iron

India : FG100, FG150, FG200 & 250, FG300 & 350
USA : NO 25, NO 30, NO 35, NO 40, NO 45, NO 50

Ductile Iron

India : SG370, SG400, SG500, SG600, SG700
USA : 60-40-18, 65-45-12, 80-55-06, 100-70-03, 120-90-02

Silicon Molybdenum Cast Iron (SiMo)

Testing Facility

Metal Testing Lab


Quality Control & Sand Testing Lab

Untitled design (2)

CMM - Zeiss

Spectrocheck - Ametek

Tensile Tester - FIE

Microscope - Metal Shop